Works and Accounts Management Information System (WAMIS) covers the entire life cycle of typical construction project work right from its inspection to its final completion. WAMIS has been developed with the view that all financial transactions pertaining to the State/Central Plan Schemes/Projects are accessed by the Executive, Legislature, Internal Audit, External audit and the citizen at large and the same be assessed against the physical progress and the desired outcome. Rural Development Department (RD Department), Government of Odisha first implemented the Works and Accounting Management Information System(WAMIS). The Department awarded the work to CDAC Pune (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing) in May 2009. Subsequently, WAMIS was utilised in seven other departments. The main feature of WAMIS was automation of technical functions and preparation of accounts.
Alerts/ Notifications
A refresh button has been added to the accounts reports section and update work allotments under Work balance screen. Also insert head and update head allotment provision given under Expense balance screen.