e-procurement , i.e. electronic procurement for tenders has been introduced in odisha vide Office Memorandum no. 1027 (click 1027 to download the OM) dated 24.01.2009 of works department with the launch of the website tendersodisha.gov.in .
Provisions in OPWD Code
Clause 3.5.9 speaks :
3.5.9 [Subject to the provision contained in Appendix-XXXIII to the OPWD Code Vol. II] Tenders should invariably be invited publicly in the manner prescribed in Appendix IX to the Code and in paragraph 3-5-10 below for all works given out on, contracts and estimated to cost above Rs 5 lakh except in cases where additional works or items of work have to be undertaken as part of a scheme work for which tenders have originally been invited publicly and which are required to be executed while the work originally undertaken is in progress or for other exceptional reasons.
From time to time different provisions has been revised or inserted in OPWD Code for calling of tender. Therefore we must update ourself with latest revisions in OPWD Code. Here we are posting below different provisions contained in Appendix VIII and of OPWD Part II regarding contractors registration rules and instructions regarding calling and acceptance of tenders, cost of tender papers etc.
Financial limit for class of contractors revised vide OM 12905 dated 23.08.2018
Class of Contractors Amount
1. Super Class Unlimited
2. Special Class Not exceeding Rs. 15.00 Crore
3. ‘A’ Class Not exceeding Rs. 06.00 Crore
4. ‘B’ Class Not exceeding Rs. 03.00 Crore
5. ‘C’ Class Not exceeding Rs. 40.00 lakh
6. ‘D’ Class Not exceeding Rs. 20.00 lakh
Registration fee for class of contractors revised vide OO 17297 dated 23.08.2005
Class of Contractors Amount
1. Super Class Rs. 2,00,000
2. Special Class Rs. 60,000
3. ‘A’ Class Rs. 30,000
4. ‘B’ Class Rs. 12,000
5. ‘C’ Class Rs. 6,000
6. ‘D’ Class Rs. 3,000
Security deposit for different class of contractors
Class of Contractors Amount
1. Super Class Rs. 10,00,000
2. Special Class Rs. 2,00,000
3. ‘A’ Class Rs. 80,000
4. ‘B’ Class Rs. 40,000
5. ‘C’ Class Rs. 20,000
6. ‘D’ Class Rs. 20,000
Renewal registration fee for different class of contractors
Class of Contractors Amount
1. Super Class Rs. 50,000
2. Special Class Rs. 20,000
3. ‘A’ Class Rs. 10,000
4. ‘B’ Class Rs. 5,000
5. ‘C’ Class Rs. 2,000
6. ‘D’ Class Rs. 1,000
Cost of Tender Paper
Value of Tender Amount
1. Upto Rs. 10,000 Rs. 200.00
2. Rs, 10,000-1,00,000 Rs. 400.00
3. Rs. 1,00,000-2,00,000 Rs. 600.00
4. Rs. 2,00,000-5,00,000 Rs. 2,000.00
5. Rs. 5,00,000-10,00,000 Rs. 4,000.00
6. Rs.10,00,000-50,00,000 Rs. 6,000.00
7. More than 50,00,000 Rs. 10,000.00
Power to Accept tender
Competant Authority Amount
1. Administrative Department Above 10 crore ( where there is post of EIC)
Rs. 7crore ((otherwise)
2. Engineer in Chief Rs.7.00-10.00 crore
3. Chief Engineer Rs. 4.00-7.00 crore
4. Superintending Engineer Rs. 1.00-4.00 crore
5. Executive Engineer upto Rs.1.00crore