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Welcome to the world of Divisional Accountant

This website is dedicated to the cause of Divisional Accountant and Divisional Accounts Officer. Being one of the oldest cadres of Bharat that is still existing with a history of more than 168 years. The duties, responsibilities and status has been governed by Central Public works accounts Code which has been updated in 1889 with Govt. of India Resolution No. 21A dated 23.10.1889 and relative position of Divisional Accountant was made analogous to that of Sub Divisional Officer. Since then, importance of the cadre was gradually changed and increased and now this post has been treated seniormost at PWD offices.

Divisional accountant in CPWA

4.2.1 To assist Divisional Officers in the discharge of their responsibilities referred to in paragraph 4.1.1, the head of the accounting organization viz., Chief Controller of Accounts will post a Divisional Accountant, who has either been recruited through initial recruitment examination conducted by INAD or Qualified in SAS/JAO(C) Examination conducted by Civil Accounts Organisation with Public Works as compulsory paper to each Divisional Office. more...

Divisional Accountant in OPWD

2.2.69. To assist the Divisional Officer in the discharge of his responsibilities regarding accounts and financial regularity of the transactions of the Division, a Divisional Accountant is posted toeach Divisional Office by the Accountant General. The Divisional Accountant is responsible to the
Divisional Officer for the correct compilation of accounts. He will exercise all the functions of theTreasury Accountant so far as check personal claims of gazetted non-gazetted persons are concerned whose pay is drawn by the Divisional Officer by cheque.

2.2.70. To enable him to perform the functions as an accountant, internal checker and financial assistant, he is treated as a senior member of the Divisional Office Establishment. The relative position of a Divisional Accountant to the Divisional Officer in respect of accounts is analogous to
that of Sub-Divisional Officer to the Divisional Officer in respect of works. Other duties and responsibilities of the Divisional Accountant are to be governed in accordance with relevantprovisions of the C.P.W.A. Code.

Divisional Accountant in manual of Standing Order of C&AG

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The Divisional Accountants are constituted in a separate cadre (vide Para 314 of chapter VII of C & AG's manual of standing order Administrative Vol.I) for fulfillment of duty entrusted to the Comptroller & Auditor General of India under Article 149 of the Constitution of India, in the matter of compilation and audit of Public Works Accounts. This cadre is intended to provide one trained Accountant for each Public Works Division under Para 234 of Comptroller & Auditor General's Manual of standing Orders. The cadre of Divisional Accountant is under the administration control of Accountant General of the state concerned who is given power to create or abolish permanent or temporary post of Divisional Accountant under Para 235 of Manual of Standing order of C & AG. The state Government concerned bears fully the cost on the establishment of Divisional Accountants including its salary, allowances, LTC, Travelling allowances, medical reimbursement & children education allowances etc.

Read Manual of Standing Order for Divisional accountant here

Syllabus for DAGE Exam ( revised during October 2023)

Please download revised syllabus of DAGE Exam Here 

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